Camborne School of Mines is are carrying out a project to review the analytical facilities available locally and determine what state-of-the-art developments might be implemented in the future – in businesses and the region’s universities. The aim is to ensure that we have the capacity to do the analyses required in the region and the ability to grow this sector. Dr Hadi Mohammadi, CARA Research Fellow at Camborne School of Mines is carrying out the review. Hadi is a senior analytical chemist with both private sector and university experience. He has visited some of the laboratories in Cornwall and is certainly interested to visit as many of the local analytical facilities as possible.  Now we would like to hear from users/owner of analytical labs to determine what your needs are. If you would like to input information, please contact Hadi at by email or to arrange a Teams call or in-person meeting. Please respond by Friday 15 July.

By chemical analyses we mean geochemical and environmental analysis of minerals, water, and wastewaters by wet chemical methods, AAS and ICP techniques, electron beam microscopy, X-ray spectroscopy, core scanning, earth observation, drone survey, remote sensing also interested in comments on geophysics and air & sound monitoring and required sample collection/preparation equipment, data interpreter software.We are interested to learn if you have analyses done in local labs or send sample elsewhere in the UK or abroad. If so, Is this because there are no suitable labs in the region or you need certified laboratory results?

Are there additional analytical facilities you would like to see available in the region?  Are there new techniques you have heard of and would like to research / have developed locally? The timing is good because the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership are working on how best to develop the technology metals and geothermal opportunities in Cornwall and we will feed in our results to the LEP.

Replies will only used for the purpose of this work. We are happy to share the draft report with respondents for comment.  More information on GPDR and University of Exeter contact details are  here